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Embargo on Canada-Destined Cargo

As reported in the media at the beginning of September, there were two separate incidents involving incendiary devices igniting at the carrier’s cargo hubs.


Transport Canada: Embargo on Air Cargo

This has prompted Transport Canada to impose an embargo on air cargo with the following restrictions:


  • Shipments destined for (or transiting through) Canada on behalf of a freight forwarder or Known Agent must include the following message added to either the airway bill or the e-AWB (to be included in the OSI line):

    “These shipments originated from a shipper that has established business relationship per Transport Canada SMIACEurope-Asia-29Aug2024.”


  • Alternatively, the shipment can be accompanied by a letter that must be dated and printed on company letterhead. Two copies of this letter must be provided: one for the carrier's records and one attached to the MAWB. The letter must state:

    “The shipments tendered, if they have originated from one of the below countries, have an established business relationship with (name of the consolidator/freight forwarder/Agent) per the Transport Canada regulations SMRIAC-EU/Asia/29Aug2024.”


According to Transport Canada, an established business relationship is defined as follows: An active account or documented payment history for at least 90 days prior to the issuance of Transport Canada SMRIAC-EU/Asia (i.e., an account in existence since at least May 31, 2024), which involves a minimum of six (6) shipments tendered within that 90-day period.


The alternatives available are cargo-only aircraft, charters (cargo only), or ocean freight.

Enhanced Air Cargo Advance Screening

In addition to the above, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is enhancing data requirements for their ACAS system.

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