We’re delighted to announce that we have now received full accreditation for both ISO 9001 and 14001. It’s a considerable achievement and officially recognises our professional standing as a credible forwarding and logistics organisation.

ISO 9001: The Mark of Quality
ISO 9001 Certification serves as confirmation to prove that AWL operates to the highest standards. And it verifies that we have the systems and processes to maintain them.
ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognised quality management system standard. It has been established by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) and helps organisations implement transparent, repeatable processes. The result? We are able to maintain a quality service for our customers, every time.
It means we are able to maintain a quality service for our customers, every time.
One of the requirements for ISO certification is the demonstration that we are fully aware of the necessary legislation that impacts our business. We need to prove that we have processes to achieve and maintain compliance with those regulations.
Gaining this ISO certification is a way to demonstrate to our current customers, potential customers and other stakeholders that we have all the necessary measures to comply.
ISO 14001: Best Environmental Practices
In addition to 9001, we have also achieved full accreditation for ISO 14001. It’s an internationally recognised standard for the environmental management of our business. And it shows that AWL is taking a sustainable, environmentally responsible approach to operations.
AWL is taking a sustainable, environmentally responsible approach to operations
This certification sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. It maps out a framework that we as an organisation can follow to set up an effective environmental management system. ISO 14001 specifies and assists us with identifying control, and it helps us to monitor the impact that we as a company have on the environment.
We’re really proud to have achieved certification for both ISO 9001 and 14001, and we’re committed to maintaining and even improving on these high standards.